
Mindful Crafting


14. September 2023 | 17-21 pm | DKK 620.- | SIGN UP

This workshop is for you if you have a busy everyday life, your thoughts are running around all the time, you want to do something good for yourself, or you just want to try something new.

Let's be present with an open mind and create something out of clay with our hands. The workshop creates a deeply supportive and performance-free space that encourages playfulness and self-expression while offering guidance when required.

We approach mindfulness through a combination of working with clay and meditation. The workshop is the space where you can let go of judgment and seriousness and allow experimentation and curiosity so you get connected with your soul and feeling grounded again.

You don’t need to have prior knowledge of craft, but you should know that this is not an ordinary ceramics course; this is a wonderful self-care treatment for you.

We meet in my workshop at Frederiksberg, Hospitalsvej 3 at 17pm. The number of places is limited, and you will receive more information once I have confirmed that you are joining.

I am looking forward to meeting you.

Price: DKK 620.-

Materials and firing, as well as coffee and tea are included in the price.

Note: A fee of 50% of the participation price is charged for cancellations made later than 5 days before the start of the course.

If you wish to know more about the workshop contact me on